Ragley Estate Farm

Farming at Ragley

3,500 acres of the Ragley Estate is allocated to our in-hand arable and sheep farming. We farm using a mixed-use regenerative approach with specialist crops to improve soil heath alongside yield. A wide range of diversified crops are grown including winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley, rape, oats, borage and grass for winter grazing and silage.

Soil disturbance is kept to a minimum with direct drilling made into previous year’s crops. Crops are rotated to minimise disease, and we increasingly use cover crops to manage soil fertility, weeds and create further biodiversity. 

This also reduces the need for repeat farming processes involving heavy machinery – benefiting soil health and compaction as well as reducing diesel use. Soils are tested regularly to measure nutrient and soil health. 

Careful planning, seed selection and accurate application of products – using only what is needed – are all part of our fully integrated approach to farming. Seed mixtures are tailored to different aims – to improve soil structure, to increase organic matter, or to provide forage for the sheep. 


The grass is made up of a number of types. The park around Ragley Hall, and other land that is not suitable for arable farming is used as permanent pasture for sheep. Sheep need to be moved from the park to make way for our outdoor events calendar from May to September.

Short term leys are also for grazing and silage on a 2-5 year rotation with arable crops. These are cut and bailed in June.

Separate herbal leys are cultivated as part of the Countryside Stewardship Scheme – these are a mix of grass and herbs which is left uncut for 5 weeks during June and July to allow herbs and clovers to flower.

‘Estate to Plate’

Ragley is an established grower for key brands – Warburtons, Jordans and Wildfarmed. Was well as being a Jordans Partnership Farm, we are also a LEAF Marque certified demonstration farm, demonstrating our commitment to more sustainable farming, and facilitating education opportunities for current and future farmers.

Wildfarmed Wheat (founded by Andy Cato of Groove Armada) is grown using no pesticides. This year we are bi-cropping wheat and beans, which improves soil health and brings biodiversity into the fields. We are part of a network of farmers and landowners united by a focus on soil-focussed farming. Wildfarmed produce their own flour, supplied to chefs, restaurants and supermarkets in the UK.

Sheep & Lambs

Correct and planned feeding, appropriate housing and responsible use of medicines is essential to the Integrated Farm Management approach to livestock management. Our flock of around 1,000 North Country mule ewes graze the parkland, herbal leys and cover crops on arable land. Our aim is for all our ewes to remain outside all year round with lambs being born from the beginning of April and fattened lambs on grass and cover crops.

New season lamb goes into Ragley Estate Butcher from August, and the Farm Manager then works closely with the Butcher to ensure a constant supply to meet customer demand throughout the year.

Investment & Innovation

The farm continually invests in new environmental technology such as rainwater harvesting, food digestate fertiliser and new grain handling systems to reduced traffic movement and diesel usage. Machinery is regularly tested, serviced and maintained to ensure optimum efficiency.

We work closely with a number of local suppliers who supply our equipment including: N-virocycle (Tewkesbury) – converting food waste into land nourishment; Spearhead Machinery (Evesham) – hedge and grass management equipment; Tallis Amos Group (Evesham) – John Deere tractors and other machinery; Claas Western (Evesham) – harvesting and agricultural equipment; S E Davis (Redditch) – Plant hire.


Across Ragley, we have a number of long-term integrated environmental schemes. 500 acres of land has been taken out of crop production and dedicated to the Countryside Stewardship Scheme for the benefit of the environment and wildlife. Half of this is flower-rich field margins – a 6-metre boundary around our arable fields, protecting hedges and watercourses, and providing a habitat for wildlife.

The rest is planted with flowering plant species to create pollen and nectar plots providing food and shelter for birds mammals and insects, or as wild bird food areas for winter food and shelter. A huge range of habitats are protected within the farm including habitats around the River Arrow, parklands, woodlands and ponds. 


Ragley also works closely with LEAF Education and agricultural colleges to bring students onto the farm for field studies and farm tours, related to a range of national curriculum core topics. Pupils have participated in a range of activities – from tree planting and soil analysis, to flour milling and cookery.

Our own farm team work alongside LEAF’s education experts, to build a greater understanding of commercial farming processes and their importance to the food chain and biodiversity.

Our local community also have the opportunity to experience the farm during the annual LEAF sponsored Open Farm Sunday – to see first hand the machinery, processes, crops and livestock, and meet our small but dedicated team who help to put food on our plates.

Make Ragley your venue

If you would like more information about how Ragley could fulfil your venue requirements, please fill in the form and one of the team will contact you. Alternatively, please ring us on 01789 762090 to discuss your plans in more detail.